Shipments From Our Headquarters in Murphys, CA

Items that are stored and shipped from our headquarters in Murphys, CA are typically shipped that same day or the following business day. There are instances where an order might be placed the day before a weekend or a holiday. In this case, we will ship the item as soon as the carrier resumes business, typically within a few day to a week in those instances.

Shipments From Third Party Services We Use

Because we are a small studio, some items ship from third party services we work with to help us get our products out. These items will typically be shipped within 3 to 7 business days. If you do not receive a tracking link within that time period, simply get in touch with us and we’ll track down the issue and get it taken care of.

Orders Lost, Stolen or Damaged - Route Protection

Once the carrier has the order, it’s out of our hands and we rely on the carrier to get the package to you on time and in good condition. There are times when a carrier might “misplace” a package, damage a package during delivery, or the package could be stolen. 

We’ve partnered with Route—a package protection and tracking solution—to give our customers the best possible delivery experience. Route provides low-cost shipping protection to protect your package in the event that it gets lost, stolen, or damaged while in transit. You can select this option at checkout. It is  simple, low cost solution to protect your package. Gorilla Dirt does not receive any profit from this protection, all fees for Route go directly to Route to protect your package. 

Route is also a mobile app that allows you to visually track all of your online orders in one place. No need to dig through your email for tracking numbers. Route’s dynamic maps and real-time shipping updates keep you in the loop throughout every part of your delivery. The Route app is available on Android and Apple app stores.

If you experienced an issue with your order, please file a claim with Route’s team here.
