Content Creators

If you are a content creator / influencer looking for sponsorship or some other type of partnerships, please note we get contacted weekly. As much as we'd love to work with everyone, we can only do so much at any given time. But we do have options of what we can currently do.

  • Product placement/partnership – We have the option to send you guys some Gorilla Dirt gear and even co-brand some gear as well.
  • Website development – Our background, work wise, is web development and marketing. Gorilla Dirt is a spin-off name from Gorilla Public, our web and marketing studio. We can create a website for your project, club, trip, channel, etc. We can set up an e-commerce shop for selling swag or whatever.
  • Other thoughts? Let us know!
  • Please, please understand if we are not able to work with you at this time, it’s nothing personal nor a reflection of your content or project. We simply can’t work with everyone and have to pick and choose whose content, etc works best with our brand.
  • Please get in touch using the form below.
[contact-form-7 id="28903" title="Content Creator Contact"]